I have couple of custom fields
Tuser_c Checkbox Tdate_c Date
I want to have the tdate field to be required if the Tuser is true
AND( $User.Tuser__c ,ISNULL( $User.Tdate__c ))
This doesnt fire the validation rule when i leave Tuser_c as true and leave the TDate_c blank(Nothing entered in the field)
Is there something i am missing
are related to "who's looking at the data" (current user, his profile, his role, his session id... Hierarchical custom settings fall here as well) or simply some cached data (custom labels). All the rest is hard "what the data is". So - what were you trying to do? Allow only certain users to perform edits? Or check if the lookup to user stored on the record meets some condition? Looks like it's a data rule and not "who's editing" rule - so without$user