here is my code in which i am trying to get the product name from opportunity line item but its returning back NULL value. can anyone please help me to get that product name. I can get id from product2 but i want the name of product so that i can abbreviate it and can store it in Order_Name__c field of orderItem. After adding the product only i am firing this trigger.
public class Procuct_Adding_To_Order{
public static void productOrder(List<OpportunityLineItem> oli){
set<id> prodset = new set<Id>();
for(OpportunityLineItem item : oli)
// collect products
Map<Id, product2> prodMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([select name from product2 where id in :prodSet]);
// create a map for OLIid & corresponding Product Name
Map<Id, string> OLIprodMap = new Map<Id, string>();
for(OpportunityLineItem item : oli)
OLIprodMap.put(, OLIprodMap.get(oli.product2id).name); //getting Error in this line.
set<Id> setOppId = new set<Id>();
for(OpportunityLineItem obj: oli){
list<opportunity> needed = [Select Master_Opportunity__c from opportunity Where =: setOppId];
List<OrderItem> orderIt = new List<OrderItem>();
for(Order ord: [Select id from Order where opportunityId =: needed[0].Master_Opportunity__c])
for(OpportunityLineItem o : oli)
OrderItem op = new OrderItem();
op.Opportunity_del__c = needed[0].Master_Opportunity__c;
op.orderId =;
op.Order_Name__c = o.product2Id;
system.debug('-----------------------3333333333333333333333'+ o.Product2Id);
op.PriceBookEntryId = o.PriceBookEntryId;
op.Quantity = o.Quantity;
op.UnitPrice = 100;
upsert orderIt;