My estimated overall code coverage is 56%. However, all of my files other than my 2 unit test classes are touched by my tests, and the lowest percentage covered of any of those is 84%. I would like to believe that this means my test coverage is at least 75%, but the only way I've found to find out is to go through a bunch of steps to do a test deployment (change sets in my case; my IDE'd don't contain all the metadata so I assume I couldn't use them for a test deployment).
Is there some way I can get an estimate that's roughly close to accurate (say w/i 10%) without having to do some process that's at least 10 steps long?
The developer console Suite Manager says 56% overall. I also have available Eclipse and IntelliJ with Illuminated Cloud. I believe I am hitting Apex Code Coverage: Test classes are included with 0% in overall code coverage calculation. My test classes are almost as long as my actual code, so 56% is plausible including those.