I have one batch class which has almost 6k records.I have written test class for the same.But i am getting error saying
No more than one executeBatch can be called from within a testmethod. Please make sure the iterable returned from your start method matches the batch size, resulting in one executeBatch invocation.
I am creating one record for which i wanted test class to run.But i can see in background org data is being running for batch jobs. I dont see batch job is not running for only one record which i inserted in test class.
Do I need to create a constructor which can have one parameter as user and then I can pass one user record inside test class.I am not sure why it is running batch jobs for all org data.Below is my batch class:
Batch class:
global Lighting_DeactivateUserBatch()
@TestVisible Lighting_DeactivateUserBatch(Set<Id> frozenUserIds)
this.frozenUserIds = frozenUserIds;
public static Set<Id> getFrozenUserIds()
List<UserLogin> frozenUserList;
List<ID> frozenIDList = new List<ID>();
Set<ID> setRecordOwner = new set<ID>();
// generate collection
frozenUserList = [Select UserID from UserLogin where isFrozen=true];
for(userlogin frozen : frozenUserList) {
AggregateResult[] ownerListOpp = [SELECT OwnerID Owner FROM Opportunity group by OwnerID];
AggregateResult[] ownerListAcc = [SELECT OwnerID Owner FROM Account group by OwnerID];
AggregateResult[] ownerListCon = [SELECT OwnerID Owner FROM Contact group by OwnerID];
AggregateResult[] ownerListLead = [SELECT OwnerID Owner FROM Lead group by OwnerID];
for(AggregateResult agg : ownerListOpp) {
setRecordOwner.add((ID) agg.get('Owner'));
return setRecordOwner;
global List<User> start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
//user u = new user(ID='00524000001IFILAA4');
//List<user> queryForEmailAlert = [Select ID, Email, LastLoginDate ,createddate,Reactivation_Date__c,isportalenabled,TEST_CREATED_DATE__C,TEST_LOGIN_DATE__C from User where Functional_System_User__c=false and isActive =true and ID=:U.Id AND ID not in :frozenIDList ORDER BY TEST_LOGIN_DATE__C ASC NULLS LAST];
List<user> queryForEmailAlert = [Select ID, Email, LastLoginDate ,createddate,Reactivation_Date__c,isportalenabled,TEST_CREATED_DATE__C,TEST_LOGIN_DATE__C from User where Functional_System_User__c=false and isActive =true AND ID not in :frozenIDList ORDER BY TEST_LOGIN_DATE__C ASC NULLS LAST];
System.debug('users applicable for batch deactivation ::::: '+queryForEmailAlert);
return (queryForEmailAlert);
//return (u);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
Set<ID> userOwnerSet = new Set<ID>();
Set<ID> userDeactSet = new Set<ID>();
List<User> listAllUser = (List<User>) scope;
Test class:
public class Lighting_DeactivateUserBatch_Test {
public static testmethod void testScenario3() {
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User'];
User u1 = new User(Alias = 'standt1',Country='United Kingdom',Code_1_ID__c='123abc45',Email='[email protected]',Functional_System_User__c=True, EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US',ProfileId = p.Id,TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='[email protected]');
insert u1;
system.debug('User1@@@@@@'+ u1);
Datetime newUserAlertDate = Datetime.now().addDays(-23);
System.debug('value of new date ::::: '+newUserAlertDate);
Test.setCreatedDate(u1.Id, newUserAlertDate);
User u = [select id,Name,createddate,Functional_System_User__c,lastlogindate,isActive from user where id=:u1.id];
MO_Inactive_Users__c dateParam = new MO_Inactive_Users__c(Name='Date Param',Grace_Period__c=5,Inactivation_Days_to_Deactivate__c=90,Inactivation_Days_to_Deactivate_New_User__c=30,Inactivation_Days_to_Notify__c=83,Inactivation_days_to_Notify_New_User__c=23);
insert dateParam;
System.debug('value of test user ::::: '+u);
Set<Id> testBlacklist = new Set<Id>();
for (User user : [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE IsActive = true AND Functional_System_User__c = false]){
system.debug('testBlacklist-isFrozen@@@@@'+ testBlacklist);
Database.executeBatch(new Lighting_DeactivateUserBatch(testBlacklist));
//userlogin US = Select id,isfrozen from userlogin where userid=u1.id;
//system.debug('User1-isFrozen@@@@@'+ US.IsFrozen)//
//User u2 = new User(Alias = 'standt2',Country='United Kingdom',Code_1_ID__c='6789xyz0',Email='[email protected]',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='[email protected]');
//insert u2;
//system.debug('User2@@@@@@'+ u2);
. You could also instead oftestMethod