I have a Visualforce page on a custom object that has a commandButton to update a field on the custom object. When that field is updated, a Process fires that then creates a case based on the information in the custom object record. All works fine. However, I would like to refresh the page once the Process fires. Is this possible?
<apex:commandButton rendered="{!(CC.Create_Case__c == false)}" value="Create Case" action="{!CreateCase}" style="background:#d699ff; padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px"/>
public with sharing class VF_Controller_CreateCampaignCase{
public Campaign_Create_Request__c CCR;
public VF_Controller_CreateCampaignCase(ApexPages.StandardController myController){
this.CCR = (Campaign_Create_Request__c)myController.getRecord();
public Void CreateCase() {
CCR.Create_Case__c = true;
update CCR;