Similar to my question yesterday, the title pretty much explains what I'm trying to do. I want to remove all .pdf documents from Contact records with the exception of the first and last where the name starts with "Resume_". I have a snippet that will do that (this will be 'converted' into a Batch class) as below:
List<Attachment> attachmentList = new List<Attachment>();
List<Attachment> toDelete = new List<Attachment>();
for (Contact c : [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Id = '0032500000M1uXO']) {
for (Attachment a : [SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = :c.Id And ContentType = 'application/pdf' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC]) {
for (Attachment a : attachmentList) {
if (a.Name.startsWithIgnoreCase('Resume')) {
if (toDelete.size() > 2) {
toDelete.remove(toDelete.size() - 1);
//DELETE toDelete;
attachmentList = null;
toDelete = null;
It's pretty simple:
- I'm creating two empty lists to store attachments.
- I'm looping through each contact record (in this instance, only one which is for testing)
- Whilst in that record I'm running another query that will loop through the Attachment objects to add all attachments to another list, to specifically find .pdf files
- Now I loop through this list to find files only starting with "Resume_". These are being prepped for deletion
- Finally, if the list size is greater than 2, I want to remove the first and last documents in that array. Because these should be ordered by created date, this should remove the first entry of a .pdf file and the most recent from the toDelete array, it'll then perform a delete operation
- If it isn't greater than 2, it means there's one or less .pdf documents in there and we'd want to keep those anything and do nothing
- Finally, the arrays are set to null so all data is removed, ready for the next record.
Whilst this should work, I'm concerned that I have a loop in a loop and know this is bad practise. But I'm struggling to find a more bulkified way of doing this. Because this will be executed in a Batch class, does it matter in this instance as they're processed one after another? I should stress I'm unfamiliar with Batch classes, but made my first which did what I wanted yesterday.