I have below Apex trigger code which fails to enter first if condition which it should do. Can someone suggest me a way out if by maps or other kind of developments? Please note
this line is not executing , hence not entering the if-clause .
Apex Trigger
trigger ABV_Validation_Check on Call2_vod__c (after update) {
for (Call2_vod__c Calling: Trigger.new){
if ((Calling.Parent_Call_vod__r.Status_vod__c == 'Submitted_vod') && (Calling.Account_vod__r.Account_Record_Type_Name_ABT__c != 'Prescriber') && (Calling.Account_vod__r.Account_Record_Type_Name_ABT__c != 'Non-Prescriber with ABS') && (Calling.Attendee_Associated_Prescriber_CIA__c==null) && (Calling.Attendees_vod__c== 0) && (Calling.Is_Parent_Call_vod__c==0))
{ System.debug('@@@ABV_VALIDATION_2');
if((Calling.RecordType.DeveloperName.contains('HCP_Detail_Call_CIA')) || (Calling.RecordType.DeveloperName.contains('HCP_Detail_Call_Prescriber')))
calling.addError('trigger Says: Associated Account is required and must be a Prescriber');}