Just an example Hope this will help you
public class SearchController1 {
public List<Account> accounts {get; set;}
public SearchController1() {
this.accounts = new List<Account>();
public void checkCurrentPage() {
system.debug('====check which page we are on===='+system.currentPageReference());
public void doSearch() {
this.accounts = [select Id,Name from Account limit 200];
public PageReference doClick() {
return Page.ViewPage2.setRedirect(false);
ViewPage1 VF page
<apex:page controller="SearchController1" title="SearchPage" showHeader="true" sidebar="false" id="page">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock id="block">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value=" Search!! " title=" Search!! " action="{!doSearch}" reRender="form" />
<apex:commandButton value=" Click!! " title=" Click!! " action="{!doClick}" rendered="{!accounts.size > 0}" />
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="item">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.Fields.Name.Label}">
<apex:outputText value="{!item.Name}" />
ViewPage2 VF Page
<apex:page controller="SearchController1" title="ViewPage" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" id="page" action="{!checkCurrentPage}">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock id="block">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="item">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.Fields.Name.Label}">
<apex:outputText value="{!item.Name}" />
Chech checkCurrentPage
method for which page we are on.
So when you set redirect = false. Onclick of Click!! button It will redirect to ViewPage2. In this page we are using same list account fetched in ViewPage1.
If you see browser top url is changed and still pointing to ViewPage1 but believe me It is redirect to viewPage2.
Try to create fresh page and controller.
Good Luck..
Note: Whenever we use setredirect = true false, URL doesn't change. so don't confused
If setRedirect = true
A redirect is performed through a client side redirect. This type of
redirect performs an HTTP GET request, and flushes the view state,
which uses POST
If setRedirect = false
The redirect is a server-side forward that preserves the view state
if and only if the target page uses the same controller and contains
the proper subset of extensions used by the source page.
Note that if the URL of the PageReference object is set to a website
outside of the salesforce.comdomain, or to a page with a different
controller or controller extension, the redirect always occurs,
regardless of whether the redirect attribute is set to true or false.