I would like to report on related Data in four different objects in Salesforce. The objects have no relations between each other. Apex code is populating some information from an object to the other. I can't find a way to connect the information and report on it to display data in a Dashboard for example.
In a similar way to SQL where we can create a view to query data, could we do something similar in Salesforce?
Create a new object that will include all information I need and report on this new object. It is unfortunately adding duplicate data in my Salesforce instance.
Foundations giving grants to nonprofits, artists, students would like to keep track of the balance of their funding.
Detailed Description
End Goal: I would like to be able to view on a Dashboard the remaining Budget I have for the year based on the Payments made, scheduled, cancelled, etc... for specific years.
We are using the following objects:
1 - Programs: List of programs and sub-programs they are serving (Education, Environment etc...). Sub-programs can be Wind, Solar (under Environment).
2 - Budget
It includes:
'Program' they are serving (Education, etc...)
'Budget Amount in $' they allocate for the year
'Contributions' made. But it doesn't include the status (scheduled, paid, etc..)
3 - Payments: $$ allocated for specific programs or sub-programs
4 - Contributing Programs
It includes:
Lookup to Payments
Status: Paid, Scheduled, etc
Thank you for your help!