I despair at the moment getting the code coverage on a newly created apex class. It's a manager class without without any sObject references which I plan to use for triggers and other manager classes.

My problem is the following: I wrote an apex test class to get the code coverage for the "ScheduleManager" class. Even though the test class passes and the assertequals method succeeds (also fails if I enter a wrong assertion), the code coverage for the given class is still 0%.

The method in my manager class looks like this:

public static TimeFrame CalculateScheduleByDate(Date startDate, Date endDate, Date scheduleStart, integer periodSchedule){
        System.Debug('-->Entering ScheduleManager.CalculateScheduleByDate with parameters: StartDate=' + startDate.format() + ', EndDate=' + endDate.format() + ', ScheduleStart=' + scheduleStart.format() + ', PeriodSchedule='+ periodSchedule);

        List<TimePeriod> periods = new List<TimePeriod>();

        //Just to check: totalWeighting should be a full number at the end of the calculation.
        Decimal totalWeighting = 0;

        //-----Calculate the first Period-----//
        //Identify the start of the first period (before the start date)
        if (scheduleStart <> startDate){

            //Calculate first weighting
            decimal firstWeighting = CalculateWeight(startDate, scheduleStart, periodSchedule);

            periods.add(new TimePeriod(startDate, scheduleStart, firstWeighting));
            System.debug('Period ' + startDate.format() + ' - ' + scheduleStart.format() + ' - Weighting: ' + firstWeighting * 100 + '%');

            totalWeighting = firstWeighting;

        //-----Calculate periods in between-----//
        Date currentPeriodStart = scheduleStart;
        Date currentPeriodEnd = scheduleStart.addMonths(periodSchedule);
        integer multiplier = 1;

        while (currentPeriodStart.addMonths(periodSchedule) <= endDate){
            periods.add(new TimePeriod(currentPeriodStart, currentPeriodEnd, 1));
            System.debug('Period ' + currentPeriodStart.format() + ' - ' + currentPeriodEnd.format() + ' - Weighting: 100%');

            currentPeriodStart = scheduleStart.addMonths(periodSchedule * multiplier);
            currentPeriodEnd = scheduleStart.addMonths(periodSchedule * (multiplier+1));
            multiplier = multiplier + 1;
            totalWeighting = totalWeighting + 1;

        //-----Calculate last period-----//
        //Identify the start of the first period (before the start date)
        if (currentPeriodStart <> endDate){
            Date lastPeriodStart = currentPeriodStart;
            Date lastPeriodEnd = currentPeriodStart.addMonths(periodSchedule);

            //Calculate last weighting
            //Same as for the first period: Weights differ in months
            decimal lastWeighting = CalculateWeight(currentPeriodStart, endDate, periodSchedule);

            periods.add(new TimePeriod(lastPeriodStart, endDate, lastWeighting));

            totalWeighting = totalWeighting + lastWeighting;
            System.debug('Period ' + lastPeriodStart.format() + ' - ' + endDate.format() + ' - Weighting: ' + lastWeighting * 100 + '%');

        System.debug('Total Periods: ' + periods.Size()); 
        System.debug('Total Weighting: ' + (totalWeighting * 100) + '%');

        TimeFrame tf = new TimeFrame(startDate, endDate, scheduleStart, periodSchedule, totalWeighting, periods);

        return tf;

My test class looks like this:

public class ScheduleManagerTest {

    public static TestMethod void ByDate_SameStartScheduleAndEndDay(){        

        Date startDate = Date.newInstance(2015, 01, 01);
        Date scheduleStartDate = Date.newInstance(2015, 01, 01);
        Date endDate = Date.newInstance(2015, 07, 01);

        TimeFrame tf = ScheduleManager.CalculateScheduleByDate(startDate, endDate, scheduleStartDate, 1);

        System.assertEquals(6, tf.TotalWeight); 

As you can see in the debug log, the test runs successfuly. enter image description here

But I stil have 0% code coverage: enter image description here

I already did some research, but I haven't found any similar thread for this problem. Most of the test coverage threads handly the lack of test coverage on triggers. Does anybody have an idea on this? I am happy to share the full development if it helps.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


  • 1
    Hi Konstantin, welcome to SF.SE. Please take a look at How do I ask a good question, then edit your question to add the code you're actually trying to test. When you post code, after pasting it in, please select it and click on the {} pre-formatted text icon so that it's legible to anyone who reads it. It's always a good practice to look at the preview pane of your post to fix any problems before posting it.
    – crmprogdev
    Commented Oct 25, 2015 at 13:41
  • Thanks for the feedback. I just added the method I am trying to test. I haven't found any similiar questions here - most of them handle problems with code coverage on triggers. I haven't any relation to any sObject in my class. Commented Oct 25, 2015 at 13:57

3 Answers 3


Interesting - seems like this is a bug in the developer console. I was getting an error when I tried to upload this package because I had only 50% code coverage. After adding some additional test methods I got the needed code coverage - but it still shows 0% in the developer console.


In Winter '16, if you run unit test classes synchronously your coverage is 0%. You need to run it asynchronously. Do to developer console and Test -> Always Run asynchronously. Your test will run asynchronously but you will get the test coverage.


Developer Console in Winter '16 occasionally has issues showing code coverage when the test run was started from within Developer Console. If you start the test run from Setup -> Develop -> Apex Test Execution WITH DEVELOPER CONSOLE OPEN, your test coverage should be accurately reflected.

Of course, the best way to get your for-sure test coverage number is with the "Estimate Code Coverage" link on Setup -> Develop -> Apex Classes followed by trying to upload...

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