I am looking for assistance in how to best implement the following request. We need to update the Participating__c field on Object A any time that the values of 7 fields from 3 different objects meets the specified criteria (defined below). Based on these business requirements, the rule needs to be triggered any time that a record is created or edited on Object A, B, or C. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Criteria for setting Object_A:
- (Boolean) Participating__c = TRUE
- (Picklist) Network__c contains "AZ"
- (Boolean) Primary__c = TRUE
- (Text) MailingName__c does not contain "Administration"
- (Date) Provider_Term_Date__c = NULL
Object B:
- (Date) Facility_Term_Date__c = NULL
- (Picklist) Type <> "Hospital"
Object C:
- (Multi-select Picklist) Suffix__c does not contain "OTH" or "MA"
Any time a record on Object A, B, or C is edited to no longer meet the criteria above, Object_A.Participating__c should be set to FALSE. My major hang-up at this time is determining how to limit the places where the LOGIC must reside, as this unfortunately changes more frequently than I'd like. So, I'd prefer to not have 3 different Process Flows that are each triggered by the edit of one of the objects mentioned above. Thanks!!