Currently, I am trying to create some Case Tags for my Case during an after insert event.

Essentially, all I am doing is taking a legacy field and splitting it, getting all the distinct tags. However, I don't know how to create a new CaseTag record.

Here is the code I have so far for my handler:

public static void CreateCaseTagsFromLegacyTags(List<Case> casesWithTags)
    List<CaseTag> newCaseTags = new List<CaseTag>();

    for(Case caseWithTag : casesWithTags)
        //I pre-filtered the records prior, so this value is never null
        //or empty
        List<String> tags = caseWithTag.LegacyTags__c.split(' ');

        for(String tag : tags)
            newCaseTags.add(new CaseTag(/* What goes there? */));

    INSERT newCaseTags;

So has anyone created a tag through apex before? I don't see why that not. I tried finding any example on how to do that and I could not find a single case where it was done (pun intended). So if there is any way to make this possible, please let me know.

1 Answer 1


Check out the docs on what the CaseTag object is comprised of.


From what I can read, you'll need to replace CaseTag(/* What goes there? */) with the following:

    Name = tag, //tag name
    ItemId = caseWithTag.Id, //Id of Tagged Item -- in your scenario, this is the case
    Type = 'Public' //other option is 'Private'

Hope this helps.

  • If you change TagDefinitionId to ItemId, it will save. I will be testing my import shortly. To confirm if it works. Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 15:36
  • Shoot, good catch! I'll update the answer,
    – James
    Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 15:48

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