I build Canvas app based on MEAN stack and store on Heroku. I want get access to userInfo and use it for connection and queries to database. I have created app into salesforce.com dev account with clientId, clientSecret and then I have used them for user login via OAuth2. I try to use this wrapper for interaction with salesforce.com. I read canvas dev's guide but didn't understand how to make authorization of the user by OAuth2.
The order of actions which I try:
- When app starting server make redirect to https
Then I click on "Allow" button and app gets access token and other info.
And then I can make SOQL queries.
But when I try to run my app I have
"Refused to display 'eu5.salesforce.com/setup/secur/RemoteAccessAuthorizationPage.apexp?…&sdtd=1#target_origin=https%3A%2F%2Feu5.salesforce.com&instance_id=_:test2:' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'."
It occurs after redirect from my app to salesforce.com auth page via getAuthorizationUrl method.
Could you explain me please, where I was wrong?