I found a redundant Owner field in an Org, which I want to check if it's matching the standard Owner field or not. A very simple SOQL query - at least I thought:

SELECT Account_Owner__c,OwnerId,Id,Name 
FROM Account
WHERE Account_Owner__c = OwnerId

But getting:

WHERE Id = Name
ERROR at Row:3:Column:12
Bind variables only allowed in Apex code

Is it not possible in SOQL to match fields against other fields of the same record?

  • 1
    Workaround could be a comparison by formula field
    – Uwe Heim
    Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 11:43

2 Answers 2


You can not compare 2 fields in SOQL. You can do the check in code by doing something similar to this:

for ( Account a : [SELECT Account_Owner__c,OwnerId,Id,Name 
                             FROM Account
                             WHERE Account_Owner__c != null 
                             and OwnerId != null]) {

    if (a.Account_Owner__c != a.OwnerId) {
        // do something

Or you can add a boolean formula field called something like AccountOwnerSameAsOwner which returns true when both fields are the same. You will then be able to do the following:

SELECT Account_Owner__c,OwnerId,Id,Name 
FROM Account
WHERE AccountOwnerSameAsOwner__c = true 
  • I see... just another of these strange SOQL limitations to trap into :-( - I am not in APEX just plain SOQL in workbech to have a quick glance.
    – Uwe Heim
    Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 11:51

It's already answered here:

Error in WHERE clause of SOQL

Unfortunately that query cannot be executed as written in SOQL since SOQL does not allow direct field comparisons. I would recommend adding a checkbox formula field to your object

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