I'm trying to capture the emails subject in the send log. Is there any way for me to do this?

To the 'experienced' community members: Not sure how to rephrase this any better. Maybe you could tell me what exactly is unclear so I can clarify. Yet I'll try anyway.

I created a send log Data Extension with the following Fields:

JobID, ListID, BarchID, SubID, TriggeredSendID, ErrorCode, view_email_url.

I'd like to add another field like, 'subject' which represents the subject of the particular email being logged / sent. However, I am unable to capture that information. It doesn't look as if any of the personalization strings can be used.

@Kelly-J-Andrews hints at the ability to do this in the comment on the this answer.

  • I have reopend the question, do understand that some effort is expected to be put into a question. Your update has made it clear that this is about the marketing cloud, so i've taken the liberty to add that to your question (tag). Jan 20, 2015 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


As previously suggested, you could use an AMPScript variable for your subject.

var @subject 
set @subject = "This is the subject" 

In your send definition the subject would be: %%=v(@subject)=%%

In your Send Log DE, you'd have to have a column named "subject"

If you'd rather not use the Send Log and email scripting, the subject is available in the System Data Views and is accessible via Query Activity.

For a particular send, you can query the EmailSubject and DynamicEmailSubject columns. I'd recommend building your query starting with _Job and then inner joining to _Sent based on the JobID (aka the SendID from the Tracking tab). I typically use _Job.PickupTime to narrow it down by date. Something like this:

, j.EmailSubject
, j.DynamicEmailSubject
, s.SubscriberKey
, s.EventDate
from _job as j with (nolock)
inner join _sent as s with (nolock) on (s.jobid = j.jobid)
where j.pickuptime >= dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

You can also join this back to your Send Log if you'd like (by JobID).

  • 2
    Since adding the subject to the send log directly seems to be unsupported and a hack -- I'm going to attempt to get the data as you suggest by a Query Activity. So far, here is the query I have: select asl.IID , asl.view_email_url , j.DeliveredTime SendDate , j.EmailSubject Subject from ArchiveSendLog asl inner join _job j with (nolock) on (asl.jobid = j.jobid)
    – VFein
    Jan 20, 2015 at 19:49
  • That works. Setting the subject line with scripting is not as uncommon as you might think. It happens quite a bit in multi-lingual emails. Jan 20, 2015 at 19:55
  • Makes sense, do you know if the EmailSubject column of the _job system view will contain the dynamic subject line or the ampscript?
    – VFein
    Feb 13, 2015 at 5:20
  • It'll contain the AMPScript, yes. Feb 13, 2015 at 11:47

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