I have tried to search up on this for a while now but couldn't find any answer to my question... I have wrote a simple trigger that when an Account record is moved out of view (Moved out of view = true), then all the contacts associated with that specific account will be automatically marked as moved out of view (Moved out of view = true). Trigger works in sandbox and also before this incident, I was able to deploy this into production, but now as I was trying to add onto the same existing test class, I have noticed through System.assertEquals() that the trigger is not firing... Can someone please help explain what's going on? Thanks in advance...


    trigger moveContactsOutOfView on Account (After Update) {
  set<String> notAccId = New Set<String>();     
  set<String> accId = New Set<string>();
  List<Contact> conUpdate = new List<Contact>();
  List<Contact> con1Update = new list<Contact>();
  List<AccountTeamMember> d1 = new List<AccountTeamMember>();

      for (Account a1: trigger.new){
      if (a1.ID != null && a1.Move_out_of_view__c == True){
      else {

  LIST<Contact> cY = [SELECT AccountID, LastModifiedById FROM Contact WHERE AccountID In: AccId];
  LIST<Contact> cN = [SELECT AccountID, LastModifiedById FROM Contact WHERE AccountID In: notAccId];
  List<AccountTeamMember> toBeDeleted =[SELECT ID, LastModifiedById FROM AccountTeamMember WHERE AccountID In: AccId];

       for (Account a1: trigger.new){
            for (Contact c1:cY){
                if (c1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006xdMm' && c1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wnoE' && c1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wsIm'){
                    c1.Move_out_of_view__c = True;
            for (Contact c2:cN){
                if (c2.LastModifiedById != '00500000006xdMm'&& c2.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wnoE' && c2.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wsIm'){
                    c2.Move_out_of_view__c = False;
          for (AccountTeamMember t1:toBeDeleted){
                if (t1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006xdMm' && t1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wnoE' && t1.LastModifiedById != '00500000006wsIm'){

update conUpdate;
update con1Update;
delete d1;

test class:

public class TestPrimaryLiaisonCount2{
    static testMethod void insertNewContact(){

    //NEW Account record
    Account ACC = new Account();
    ACC.recordtypeID = '012000000000j8S';
    ACC.Name = 'Liu Inc';
    ACC.Industry = 'Advertising';
    ACC.NumberOfEmployees = 500;
    ACC.Center__c = 'Full Service';
    ACC.Move_out_of_view__c = False;
    insert ACC;

    string accId = ACC.id;

    //NEW Contact record for 'ACC'
    Contact ACDC = new Contact();
    ACDC.FirstName = 'Testing';
    ACDC.LastName = 'DEV';
    ACDC.Primary_Liaison__c = 'Center';
    ACDC.AccountID = ACC.Id;
    insert ACDC;

    ACDC = [SELECT Id, AccountID, Move_out_of_view__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountID =: accId limit 1];
    system.assertEquals(false, ACDC.Move_out_of_view__c);

    ACC.Move_out_of_view__c = True;
    update ACC;

    ACDC = [SELECT Id, AccountID, Move_out_of_view__c FROM Contact WHERE AccountID =: accId limit 1];
    system.assertEquals(true, ACDC.Move_out_of_view__c);

UPDATE - checkRecursive class:

public Class checkRecursive{
    private static boolean run = true;
    public static boolean runOnce(){
     return true;
        return run;
  • What is the value of: checkRecursive.runOnce()
    – dphil
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 20:50
  • Hi dphil - I have added the checkRecursive class in my original post. Thanks in advance! Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 21:12
  • Confirmed in a deleted answer comment thread that the test is being run using a different User ID than the 3 the trigger excludes.
    – Keith C
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 21:24
  • dphil - I have just taken out of the checkRecursive call in the trigger and the test class passed, but i know that this is going to cause recursive issues later on... How can I keep calling checkRecursive and still able to fire/invoke the trigger from test class? Is that possible?? Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 21:44
  • @MarkLiu Are there other places in code that calls your checkRecursive? Like does the insert call it or any of the Contact triggers?
    – dphil
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 21:47

1 Answer 1


You might need to change your recursive class then:

public Class checkRecursive{
  public static boolean run = true;
  public static boolean runOnce(){
     run = false;
     return true;
        return run;

Then at the end of your test class:

ACC.Move_out_of_view__c = True;
checkRecursive.run = true;
update ACC;

Your contact class is setting it and you have nothing that resets it. You could add like a reset method instead of making the variable public. I just did that for simplicity.


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