I am trying to build a query in Apex code to fetch all records where a multi select picklist has either of 2 values selected. When I build my query and string as option 1 it does not return back any data . However option 2 returns back corrent number of rows.


    string str = '\'Ann-OP\',\'Ann-RP\'';

    List<Announcement__c> aL = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Announcement__c 
                                  WHERE Public_groups__c INCLUDES (:str) ];


    List<Announcement__c> aL = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Announcement__c 
                                 WHERE Public_groups__c INCLUDES('Ann-OP', 'Ann-RP') ];

1 Answer 1


SOQL reads String str = '\'Ann-OP\',\'Ann-RP\''; as a single Picklist value rather than two Picklist values Ann-Op and Ann-RP.

Try writing a dynamic SOQL query.


List<String> includesList = new List<String>{'\'Ann-OP\'','\'Ann-RP\''};
String queryString = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Announcement__c  WHERE Public_groups__c INCLUDES(';
for(String includeValue :includesList)
    queryString += includeValue + ',';
queryString = queryString.removeEnd(',') +')';
List<Announcement__c> aL = (List<Announcement__c>)Database.query(queryString);
  • 3
    You could remove lines 3 - 5 and replace it with + String.join(includesList, ',') + ')';. For completeness, you could also do a ternary condition to check if the list is null. Now, I may be mistaken but, I think you can also use a dynamic binding (+ :includesList); to replace lines 3-5) in the query string you built and that should also work. Commented Aug 7, 2014 at 2:08

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