I am looking for the best way to set dynamic attributes for a component that is included on a Force.com site template page, but varies from page to page.
For example, let's say I have a Home Page, a Search Page, an Info Page and a Contact Us Page. In my header component (Visualforce Component) I have an attribute to specify the "active tab" so that I can set the class to "active".
Since my component is defined on the template page rather than the actual content page, I am curious to know how I may set that value?
Am I approaching this in the right manner, or is there a better way to accomplish my task?
I have listed sample Visualforce code below to demonstrate my issue.
Template (Visualforce Page)
<apex:page showHeader="false"
<apex:insert name="header">
ActiveTab="{!ActiveTab}" AllowSearchLink="{!CanSearch}" />
<apex:insert name="body" />
<apex:insert name="footer">
<c:Footer />
<site:googleAnalyticsTracking />
Home Page (Visualforce Page)
<apex:page showHeader="false" title="{!$Label.SiteTitle}"
cache="false" contoller="HomeController">
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
Header (Visualforce Component)
<apex:component id="headerComponent">
<apex:attribute name="IsAuthenticatedUser" type="boolean"
description="" default="false" />
<apex:attribute name="AllowSearchLink" type="boolean" description=""
default="false" />
<apex:attribute name="ActiveTab" type="string" description=""
default="" />
<ul id="nav">
<li class='{!IF(ActiveTab="Home", "active", "")}'><a
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IsAuthenticatedUser}" layout="none">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!AllowSearchLink}">
<li class='{!IF(ActiveTab="Search", "active", "")}'><a
<li class='{!IF(ActiveTab="Info", "active", "")}'><a
<li class='{!IF(ActiveTab="ContactUs", "active", "")}'><a