In Flow, I need to break the default Street address field from the Account object, which is a text area field, that is part of the compound BillingAddress, into multiple strings by the line break, so that I can populate 2 street fields in another object. Because it's a text area, the street address can appear on multiple lines.

For example convert this single string:

1 Main Street
Suite 1234

into multiple strings:

  • 1 Main Street
  • Suite 1234

I have tried to create a formula to do this, with no luck. Here is my attempt to get the first line:

    CONTAINS({!$Record.BillingStreet}, CHR(13)), 
        FIND(CHR(13), {!$Record.BillingStreet})

I also tried searching for CHR(13) & CHR(10)

Searching for BR() does not seem to work either.

1 Answer 1


Found a solution using this, at the bottom: Find line break in formula field

After following that approach, here is the flow formula for getting the first line:

    CONTAINS({!$Record.BillingStreet}, {!form_T_CRLF}), 
        FIND({!form_T_CRLF}, {!$Record.BillingStreet})

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