I have a pick list that contains service level A, B, C. I need to create a formula that uses the service level from the pick and custom field (last review date) to populate field (Next review date) based on the statement below:
If A, then LAST + 3 month; If B, then LAST = 6 months; If C, then LAST + 12 months.
I tried formula below
IF(ISPICKVAL(PSG_Service_Level__c, "A"),
TEXT(MONTH(Last_Investment_Review__c + 3)) + "/" +
TEXT(DAY(Last_Investment_Review__c)) + "/" +
TEXT(YEAR(Last_Investment_Review__c)), "")&
IF(ISPICKVAL(PSG_Service_Level__c, "B"),
TEXT(MONTH(Last_Investment_Review__c + 6)) + "/" +
TEXT(DAY(Last_Investment_Review__c)) + "/" +
TEXT(YEAR(Last_Investment_Review__c)), "")&
IF(ISPICKVAL(PSG_Service_Level__c, "C"),
TEXT(MONTH(Last_Investment_Review__c + 12)) + "/" +
TEXT(DAY(Last_Investment_Review__c)) + "/" +
TEXT(YEAR(Last_Investment_Review__c)), "")