I'm building a lightning Combobox inside LightningModal but the dropdown list is hidden because the lightning modal container is not automatically extended as follows.

enter image description here

I already tried the solution provided in the following question Styling lightning:combobox drop down to not hide inside modal and extend modal length? but this solution seems to be not applied to Lightning Modal LWC.

My modal CSS:

.THIS .slds-modal__content{
    overflow: initial;

I also tried to use custom styling by setting the class at lightning-modal-body as follows.


    <lightning-modal-header label="項目の選択"></lightning-modal-header>
    <lightning-modal-body class="my-modal-body"> 
            <c-display-flds  obj-name="govtech__shinsei__c" label="項目" placeholder="候補から選択" std-fld=true cst-fld=true mngd-fld=true onchange={handleChange}></c-display-flds>
        <lightning-button class="slds-button_brand" label="完了" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button>


.my-modal-body {
overflow-y: initial;

Is there anyone have an idea to solve this problem? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


The fix with changing the overflow doesn't work because you need to change the overflow of slds-modal__content which resides inside the lightning-modal-body component. It's not possible to do that because of how shadow DOM works. I think for now your best bet will be to create your own modal component using the SLDS styling and changing the overflow there. More on SLDS modals: https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/modals/

  • I got it thanks! Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 0:26

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