We're looking to make sure two fields in SF CRM HasOptedOutOfEmail and Contact_Does_Not_Want_to_be_Contacted__c align with our subscriber status in marketing cloud. On the SFMC side our subscriber key is Contact/Lead ID. We are the only BU in the enterprise that uses contact/lead ID as subscriber key, the other BUs use email address as the subscriber key.
When we are updating subscriber status in Marketing Cloud to align with SF CRM should we be doing the update at the BU level or at the Admin level or both?
Currently we are updating our email opt out status at the BU level only. Thus we are seeing a different subscriber status in All Subscribers in the BU vs Admin for that subscriber key.
We can't turn on the feature that copies the Admin status to the BUs as we don't want this to apply to all BUs.
Should we have an ETL update process that updates both the BU and Admin subscriber status?