I have been trying to modify the standard color for the 'completed' steps on the lightning-progress-indicator LWC (path type): https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/bundle/lightning-progress-indicator/example

I have a custom LWC that contains a lightning-progress-indicator with dinamically generated lightning-progress-step.

Custom LWC HTML:

<lightning-progress-indicator current-step={currentStep} type="path" variant="base">
        <template for:each={steps} for:item="step">
            <lightning-progress-step label={step.label} value={step.value} key={step.label} ></lightning-progress-step>

Custom LWC JS:

import { api, LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import getStepsForPath from '@salesforce/apex/Controller.getStepsForPath';
export default class ProgressIndicatorPathTypeWithIteration extends LightningElement {


connectedCallback() {
        .then(result => {
            if (result) {
                let stepsResult = JSON.parse(result);
                for(let step of stepsResult) {
                    if(step.isCurrent) {
                        this.currentStep = step.value;
                this.steps = stepsResult;
        .catch(error => { });

Custom LWC CSS:

:host {    
    --slds-c-path-color-background: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-link-color-background: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-nav-color-background: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-item-color-background: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-color-background-hover: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-link-color-background-hover: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-nav-color-background-hover: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;
    --slds-c-path-item-color-background-hover: var(--lwc-colorBackgroundAltInverse) !important;

All of the css in :host or any custom class is completely ignored. How can I change the background color of the steps inside the progress indicator component?

1 Answer 1


For type="base" use the progressBarColorBackgroundFill design token to change the default color of the Progress indicator.


.custom-css {
  --lwc-progressBarColorBackgroundFill: green;


        <lightning-progress-indicator class="custom-css" current-step="3" type="base" has-error="true" variant="base">
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 1" value="1"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 2" value="2"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 3" value="3"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 4" value="4"></lightning-progress-step>

enter image description here

UPDATE: The above example is for type="base" and the below example is for type="path" for progress indicator.

For type="path" use the colorBackgroundPathComplete and colorBackgroundPathCompleteHover design token to change the default color of the progress indicator.


.custom-css {


        <lightning-progress-indicator class="custom-css" current-step="3" type="path" has-error="true" variant="base">
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 1" value="1"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 2" value="2"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 3" value="3"></lightning-progress-step>
            <lightning-progress-step label="Step 4" value="4"></lightning-progress-step>

enter image description here

  • Hi Saroj, I have tried your suggestion but it did not work. Please note I am not using the type = base component, it is the type = path component, as pointed in my original question.
    – Randy
    Jul 4, 2022 at 15:00
  • @Randy - Please check my updated answer.
    – Saroj Bera
    Jul 4, 2022 at 15:48
  • That worked like a charm!! Thank you!! May I know where do you find these design tokens? I cannot find them in the documentation.
    – Randy
    Jul 4, 2022 at 17:37
  • I already mentioned the link in my answer. developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.206.0.lightning.meta/…
    – Saroj Bera
    Jul 4, 2022 at 17:49
  • 1
    @PARAGTALUKA - Yes those custom Standard Design Tokens are not working. I checked the CSS and I can see there is a change in the structure. For Active element In place of '--lwc-colorBackgroundPathCurrent' and '--lwc-colorBackgroundPathCurrentHover' use --lwc-colorBackgroundPathActive and --lwc-colorBackgroundPathActiveHover, it worked for me. But for Incomplete one the custom color is appearing for a second only. You can raise a case with Salesforce for this issue.
    – Saroj Bera
    Jul 24, 2023 at 11:14

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