So I have parent component and child components as so
<childl1 contracts = {contracts} oncontractsupdate = "handleContractsUpdate">
<childl2 contracts = {contracts}>
<childl3 contracts = {contracts}/>
parent.js :
someApi.getContracts().then(contracts => this.contracts = contracts);
handleContractsUpdate(event) {
someApi.updateContracts( => this.contracts = contracts);
This is how I communicate from the childl3 to parent:
handleUpdate() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('contractsupdate', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {
data: someData
Now here it says I shouldn't be bubbling events and if I do I need to have a handler in every intermediate child and ensure the event is globally unique.
If I don't use bubbles and composed true, would each intermediate listen and throw the event individually? This though seems very repetitive .
Also looked into
Having redux would be a major refactoring but not sure how much of lwc-redux is supported at this point of time.
I am guessing a lot of people have the same issue(or maybe we just designed the UI not per lwc recommedation). Want to know how they deal with something like this..