Thank you for responding. I have taken your advice as best as possible. As of now, I am not receiving any errors, but the fields are not populating when I create a new task that fits the criteria for the Flow to fire. Would you happen to see what I am missing, or offer any further advice?
I have Opportunity -> Appointment__c -> Task
I am creating a link from Task to Opportunity, the 'Text' of the Link will be the Opportunity Name.
Opportunity_Link__ on Task Object is a Lookup field to Opportunity.
Also, when creating the hyperlink am I accessing the Object, or ObjectId. Process BUilder is on Appointment__c
FLow is on Task
Thank you
Original Post -- I didn't know if I should remove
DISREGARD BELOW********* Objects: Opportunity -> Appointment -> Task
I am creating a Hyperlink field on the Task that leads back to the Opportunity. The Text of the link will be the Opportunity Name. On the Task Object the Appointment is linked through the WhatId field. I cannot figure out the correct syntax for the Link or Opportunity Name. I am receiving broken link messages when I test, meaning I don't have the link syntax correct.
Also, because the WhatId field can be any of a number of objects I was wondering, how would I show this field conditionally.
If WhatId is not an Opportunity, do not show field?
"/WhatId" ,
"This will be the Opportunity name",
Thank you