What I am trying to do is to set a date in my date field and also update the object. I am using the class below to do so which works just fine in my sanbox but in production I am getting this error:

System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001

public with sharing class updateObject{
    public  List<NRProducts__c>  values;
    public PageReference updateObject() {
        values=[SELECT Refreshed_Date__c FROM NRProducts__c ];
        for (NRProducts__c s :values){
           s.Refreshed_Date__c =Date.today();
        update values;
        return null;                  

VF Page:

<apex:page showheader="false" controller="updateObject" sidebar="false">
<apex:commandButton action="{!updateObject}" value="Update"/>

1 Answer 1


You're running into this on production, because you have much more data there than in your sandbox. This is a limit which is a bit harder to test against and discover in advance. You'd do well to integrate it into your salesforce developer conscious.

total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries = 50,000

You will need to use Batch Apex, in which the 50k limit counts per batch execution

These limits count for each Apex transaction. For Batch Apex, these limits are reset for each execution of a batch of records in the execute method.

This is clearly stated in the limit documentation. Salesforce enforces these rules to "force" us to use scaleable and resource friendly implementation patterns.

  • Samuel, Thank you for your answer. I am not familiar with Batch apex, could you please help me with this. Thank you in advance!
    – Carlos
    Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 21:39
  • I've added a documentation starting point. It's invoking an asynchronous process in which batches of data are processed through your execution method separately. (i assume to minimize the memory heap required for the execution) Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 21:40
  • Samuel, do you think that the example applies in my case, if so how do I link my button in the VF page with it? Thank you in advance!!!"The following class uses batch Apex to reassign all accounts owned by a specific user to a different user.: link
    – Carlos
    Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 22:17
  • well, that's an example. the point is that you'll need to shift your solution design to a different approach. You should be able to schedule or kick of a batch process from an apex controller. (do know that only a certain amount of parallel batches can be ran). Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 22:22
  • 1
    I am so new in apex, and I found so much support in this site from awesome people like you...I hope someday I will be helping others. Thanks again!
    – Carlos
    Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 23:11

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