We've had a custom VF console for a while, with a custom search tied to inbound phone # and Case creation / update within an OutputPanel. A CommandButton on the page refreshes the panel and loads a Case in edit mode once the recordtype is selected by updating the workFrameURL with the new recordtype.
At least it used to.
Subsequent to Spring '14 release (related?), button click no longer refreshes correctly; panel remains blank instead of loading the new Case.
Button action:
public void updateCaseRecordType(){
this.displayCaseIFrame = true;
if(this.selectedRecordType != null){
this.workFrameURL = this.workFrameUrlRoot + '&RecordType=' + this.selectedRecordType + '&ent=Case';
} else {
this.workFrameURL = this.workFrameUrlRoot;
<apex:define name="workarea" >
<apex:actionRegion id="workArea" >
<apex:outputPanel id="recordTypeSelector">
<span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;">Record Type: </span>
<apex:selectList value="{!selectedRecordType}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:selectOption itemValue="" itemLabel="Select a Record Type:" />
<apex:selectOptions value="{!caseRecordTypes}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Update" action="{!updateCaseRecordType}"
rerender="{$Component.workArea.caseDisplayPanel}" />
<apex:outputPanel id="caseDisplayPanel">
<apex:outputPanel id="internalWrapper" rendered="{!displayCaseIframe}">
<apex:iframe width="950px" id="caseIFrame" src="{!workFrameURL}" height="4000px" ></apex:iframe>
<apex:outputPanel id="tempPanel" rendered="{!NOT(displayCaseIframe)}" >
<br/> This section is displayed until a record type is selected for the case. <br/>
Most people are using Chrome.