Ran into a quick logic issue for this validation rule I'm writing. Basically, I only want to be able to save a record if there's no other Active record of the same Level. For example- if an Active record with Level = External 1 already saved, I cannot save another Active External 1, but I can save an Active with Level = External 2. Here is the logic I currently have, but the validation rule is being triggered despite there being no saved records...
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status__c, "Active"), ISPICKVAL(Level__c, "External I")) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status__c, "Active"), ISPICKVAL(Level__c, "External II")) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status__c, "Active"), ISPICKVAL(Level__c, "Internal"), ISPICKVAL(Type__c , "Level 2")) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Status__c, "Active"), ISPICKVAL(Level__c, "Internal"), ISPICKVAL(Type__c , "Level 3"))