I'm trying to see if we can create a CMS workspace by using Metadata API or any other way programatically, instead of creating it through the UI as mentioned here.

Also if I create a CMS workspace in an org, can I retrieve it using sfdx mdapi retrieve command? If possible, what are the types to mention in package.xml to retrieve this information?

1 Answer 1


Currently, there is no public API exposed to retrieve the CMS Workspace and it is limited to UI. There is no Salesforce documentation as well that confirms API support.

UPDATE as of May 2022

We have a public exposed API to retrieve a CMS Workspace. /connect/cms/spaces/{space_id} This is currently in Beta version. See the Summer'22 documentation here

  • 1
    Is this still not supported? Is there any other way to create CMS workspace than manually using UI?
    – P P
    Commented May 5, 2022 at 16:47
  • @MP Please my see updated answer. Commented May 6, 2022 at 7:35
  • @SwethaMaddali, your update shows how to get a space not how to create it Commented Dec 5, 2023 at 11:10

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