I received an automation message from Marketing Cloud about this problem in my ampscript and due this the Triggered Send - Cancellation.
The message: Error Message:An error occurred when attempting to evaluate a DateAdd function call. See inner exception for details. ExactTarget.OMM.InvalidFunctionParameterException: Invalid value specified for function parameter. What could be wrong?
var @phrase, @phrase1, @phrase2, @brasilDateTime, @date, @hour
set @phrase1= "As soon as possible will be solved."
set @brasilDateTime = DateAdd([Task:What:Case:EstimatedStandardizationTime__c],'-3','H')
set @date = Format(@brasilDateTime,"dd/MM")
set @hour = Format(@brasilDateTime,"HH:mm")
set @phrase2= concat("The forecast is that until", " ", @hour, " ","of day", " ", @date, " ", "will be solved.")
if not empty(@brasilDateTime) then
set @phrase= @phrase2
@phrase= @phrase1