I have a json response from third party system which is as below.

          "returnCode": 600,
          "lineItems": [
              "id": 9762,
              "sfOrderId": "48393000000jK4MAAU",
              "sfLineItemId": "99303000000w9bnAAA",
              "accountType": "Indirect",
              "bounsLeads": 0,
              "cpl": 51000,
              "createdDate": "2020-07-30T14:45:16.803",
              "createdCustomerUserId": null,
              "createdPartnerUserId": 216,
              "createdInternalCustomerUserId": null,
              "createdId": null,
              "endDate": "2020-07-25T04:00:00",
              "isPrepaid": 0,
              "noIntegration": null,
              "leadVolume": 1,
              "modifiedDate": null,
              "modifiedId": null,
              "modifiedCustomerUserId": null,
              "modifiedPartnerUserId": null,
              "name": "Test file 7720202020",
              "segment": 0,
              "orderFileName": "tikto%20Test.docx",
              "orderFileLocation": "https://test.docx",
              "domainCount": null,
              "orderNumber": "",
              "poNumber": null,
              "signedDate": "2020-07-23T04:00:00",
              "startDate": "2020-07-23T04:00:00",
              "orderStatus": {
                "id": 1,
                "description": null,
                "name": "New",
                "priority": 1
              "customQuestionType": null,
              "customQuestionNumber": null,
              "offerType": {
                "id": 2,
                "description": null,
                "name": "Data",
                "unitFactor": 1,
                "priority": 2
              "pacingType": {
                "id": 2,
                "description": "NULL",
                "name": "Even",
                "priority": 2
              "pacingInstructions": null,
              "programName": null,
              "callVerifier": null,
              "auditor": null,
              "convertorId": null,
              "formId": null,
              "linkId": null,
              "customerEmailId": null,
              "channel": null,
              "geo": "International",
              "priority": false,
              "leadCount": null,
              "contactType": null,
              "contactQuality": null,
              "suppressionListId": null,
              "namedAccountListId": null,
              "topicText": null,
              "topicsRemoved": null,
              "billingNotes": null,
              "deliveredPercentage": 0,
              "masterSuppression": null,
              "accountOwnerId": null,
              "contactOwnerId": null,
              "additionalUnits": 0,
              "contactSuppressionListId": null,
              "contactListId": null,
              "noContacts": false,
              "ioId": null,
              "advertiserId": null,
              "isSdqc": false,
              "department": null,
              "competitorTopics": false,
              "billingEmails": null
              "id": 9763,
              "sfOrderId": "48394000000jK4MAAU",
              "sfLineItemId": "88330000000w9boAAA",
              "accountType": "Indirect",
              "bounsLeads": 0,
              "cpl": 28000,
              "createdDate": "2020-07-30T14:45:16.805",
              "createdCustomerUserId": null,
              "createdPartnerUserId": 216,
              "createdInternalCustomerUserId": null,
              "createdId": null,
              "endDate": "2020-07-25T04:00:00",
              "isPrepaid": 0,
              "noIntegration": null,
              "leadVolume": 1,
              "modifiedDate": null,
              "modifiedId": null,
              "modifiedCustomerUserId": null,
              "modifiedPartnerUserId": null,
              "name": "Test Account 12 Test Agency 12 CPL 7720202020",
              "segment": 0,
              "orderFileName": "Testdoc.docx",
              "orderFileLocation": "https://test.docx",
              "domainCount": null,
              "orderNumber": "",
              "poNumber": null,
              "signedDate": "2020-07-23T04:00:00",
              "startDate": "2020-07-23T04:00:00",
              "orderStatus": {
                "id": 1,
                "description": null,
                "name": "New",
                "priority": 1
              "customQuestionType": null,
              "customQuestionNumber": null,
              "offerType": {
                "id": 2,
                "description": null,
                "name": "Data",
                "unitFactor": 1,
                "priority": 2
              "pacingType": {
                "id": 2,
                "description": "NULL",
                "name": "Even",
                "priority": 2
              "pacingInstructions": null,
              "programName": null,
              "callVerifier": null,
              "auditor": null,
              "convertorId": null,
              "formId": null,
              "linkId": null,
              "customerEmailId": null,
              "channel": null,
              "geo": "International",
              "priority": false,
              "leadCount": null,
              "contactType": null,
              "contactQuality": null,
              "suppressionListId": null,
              "namedAccountListId": null,
              "topicText": null,
              "topicsRemoved": null,
              "billingNotes": null,
              "deliveredPercentage": 0,
              "masterSuppression": null,
              "accountOwnerId": null,
              "contactOwnerId": null,
              "additionalUnits": 0,
              "contactSuppressionListId": null,
              "contactListId": null,
              "noContacts": false,
              "ioId": null,
              "advertiserId": null,
              "isSdqc": false,
              "department": null,
              "competitorTopics": false,
              "billingEmails": null
          "info": "Entity created."

I am fetching the the multi line item array under the key "lineItems' by using the Json.deserializeUntyped as below

Map<String,Object> alistJson = (Map<String,Object>)((Map<String,Object>)((Map<String,Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getbody())));
List<Object> myMaps = (List<Object>) alistJson.get('lineItems');

As there are multiple line items under that array as you can see in the above Json response, I am want to traverse each line item and pick only the sfLineItemId and Id key values and insert them into a list so that I can update them in the relevant lineItem records in Salesforce. Can anyone please let me know how this can be achieved?

3 Answers 3


The most simple way to do this is to use http://json2apex.herokuapp.com/. It generates you the JSON-structure that you have to Apex class(es). You can simply put your JSON String into the 'parse' function.


You can try this in below way. Any key value you want to pull out, use Map<String, Object> and object part you need to have typecast depending on the key part.

Map<String,Object> alistJson = (Map<String,Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped( response.getbody() );
List<Object> myMaps = (List<object>) alistJson.get('lineItems');

for(Object myMap : myMaps){
    Map<String, Object> tempMap = (Map<String, Object>) myMap;
    System.debug('Printing JSON ::');
    for(String key: tempMap.keySet() ){
        System.debug( key + ' :: ' + tempMap.get(key));

This is a two part answer:

  1. The theory: Json.Deserialize requires a type and that type can be a List. So you can run Json.deserialize(jsonTxt, List<ObjectName>.class); Your Object can (should?) be a DTO, or data transfer object. Those are inner classes that define the properties you want to deserialize by name. so something like:
 public class AccountDTO {
   String name {get;set;}
  1. As Utm said above, just use http://json2apex.herokuapp.com/. as it will create your DTO's and provide unit tests etc.

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