I currently have two components that are functioning independently from one another. I would like to place one of the components within the other to allow them to appear as one component but be managed independently from one another. I am not currently passing any variables/values from one component to another. I am having difficulty displaying the 'child' component.
Here is the 'Parent' Component:
<lightning-card value={recordId}>
<div class="slds-grid slds-gutters">
<div class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-3">
<!-- Progress Bar -->
<lightning-progress-indicator current-step={currentStage} type="path" variant="base">
<template for:each={steps} for:item="step">
<lightning-progress-step label={step.label} value={step.value} key={step.label}>
<div class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-3">
ABOVE, I am referencing the child component here: <c-lwc-edit-form></c-lwc-edit-form>
. My understanding is that this would display that component. The components name is actually 'lwcEditForm
'.html/.js... (name is just for testing purposes). This looks correct per the documentation, In current state I have no intention of passing values/variables.
Possible Issues/Questions:
- Do I have to import anything into the 'Parent' Component?
- Or Export anything from the 'Child
- Am I perhaps referencing the component incorrectly?
I updated the 'Parent' HTML to test your response:
<lightning-card value={recordId}>
<div class="slds-grid slds-wrap slds-gutters">
<!-- <div class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-3">
<lightning-progress-indicator current-step={currentStage} type="path" variant="base">
<template for:each={steps} for:item="step">
<lightning-progress-step label={step.label} value={step.value} key={step.label}>
</div> -->
<div class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-3">
It is still now showing the child component - these are the updates I made:
- I updated the parent div class recommended
- I commented out the 'Progress Bar' functionality and am attempting to only show the 'Child' Component - no dice, nothing is showing.