It could very well be that you don't need dynamic component creation. While this is dynamic DOM creation is widely used, and probably the default behavior of a lot of web developers when creating UI features in JS, the design of LWC and the idiomatic approach to creating LWC is to create conditionally rendered elements.
There is another post in this site where Deigo Val (one of the architects of LWC) explains the approach that was taken with the framework and why. But I think it can be summed up by this one question that he asks in his answer:
Why would you want to...dynamically create a very simple leaf component?
Now in your case, I don't know what <c-lwc-simulation>
is meant to be, or if it will be a "simple leaf component" as he surmises, but the architecture of creating static templates with conditional rendering is what we have to work with today. (Note, Diego does say that there may be some limited conditional rendering in the future, but no word on when just yet, last I heard.)
Reading between the lines a bit, it looks like you're going for the logic "if something is selected from the <lightning-combobox>
then render something else". Going on that assumption, you need to wrap your <c-lwc-simulation>
in a conditionally rendered template tag and have some data in the child LWC change the rendering based on that. I'm not certain what final outcome you're going for, but one way this could be done is as follows:
// controller code
// add a property to make rendering conditional
showLWCSimulation = false;
// modify the handleChange function to flip the boolean property
this.comboboxValues =;
// perform some other logic here with the data, perhaps
//new code
if (this.comboboxValues === 'My Selected Value') {
this.showLWCSimulation = true;
If you need <c-lwc-simulation>
to respond to the selected value, then create an @api
enabled property to pass in some data so that you can make it respond:
import { LightningElement, api > from 'lwc';
export default class LwcSimulation extends LightningElement {
@api passedInValue;
// other properties and functions here
Then in the template, something like this:
<!-- static conditional placement of c-lwc-simulation -->
<template if:true={showLWCSimulation}>
<c-lwc-simulation passed-in-value={comboboxValues}></c-lwc-simulation>
Incidentally, there are uses for lwc:dom="manual"
, and that does work with third party libs. Why it doesn't work here, I suspect it's because you're attempting to add a custom element (which is locked down, outside the framework), versus a standard element (which is what you'd find in a third party lib).
Long story short, I think you may benefit from taking some time and understand the standard use patterns of LWC. If you'd like a bunch of examples, check out the LWC Recipes app on github.