The way I am currently getting the inputfield picklist values into my custom controller is by using a javascript to find the selected value like this:
function CallPick1(id) {
var type = document.getElementById(id).value;
the pick1(type); calls an apex:actionFunction with name "pick1" which passes the value of the picklist to a custom controller like so:
<apex:actionFunction name="pick1" action="{!passField}" rerender="theform">
<apex:param name="getPick1" value=""/>
And it pulls the value of the picklist from the vf page into an apex controller with the function !passField like this:
public void passField() {
String pickvalue1 =System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('getPick1');
system.debug('Picklist 1 Value: '+pickvalue1);
I have the same functions, etc for pick2. Although I need it so that if pick1's value changes to A then pick2's value should change to B and it needs to display the value of pick2 on the vf page inside the picklist selector. I still need pick2 to show other values inside the picklist and still be able to change pick2's values however.