I have written one trigger for a PDF reader and Case creation based on that PDF. Now I am trying to coverage by the Test Class but it is showing only 0% Coverage. Can anyone please help me with the Coverage, Let me know Where I am getting Wrong?
Apex Trigger:-
trigger InitiateProcess on Project__c (before update) {
Project__c Process = Trigger.New[0];
List<ContentDocument> listToDelete = new List<ContentDocument>();
if(Process.Status__c == 'Submitted'){
if( Trigger.oldMap.get( Process.Id ).Status__c != Trigger.newMap.get( Process.Id ).Status__c ){
List <ContentVersion> contentVersions = [select Id, LastModifiedById, PathonClient, VERSIONDATA , Title, ContentDocumentId from ContentVersion where FIRSTPUBLISHLOCATIONID =: Process.Id];
if(contentVersions != null){
for(ContentVersion cv : contentVersions){
String fileName;
fileName = cv.PathOnClient;
Integer lastIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('_');
String LastName = fileName.substring(0, lastIndex);
String unit = fileName.substring(lastIndex + 1,fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
if(householdLastName != null && unit != null){
Case obj = new Case();
obj.Date_Certification__c = System.today();
obj.ProductCase__c= Process.ProductCase__c;
obj.Product_Staff_Name__c =
obj.Request_Name__c = Process.Id;
obj.OwnerId = Process.OwnerId;
obj.Status = 'Awaiting';
if(Process.Request_Type__c == 'Asset'){
obj.RecordTypeId = '0124F221100iDQAW';
obj.Type__c = 'Asset';
} else if(Process.Request_Type__c == 'Desk'){
obj.RecordTypeId = '0124F000000MCi8QAG';
obj.Type__c = 'Desk';
insert obj;
ContentVersion cvInsert = new ContentVersion();
cvInsert.PathOnClient = cv.PathOnClient;
cvInsert.Title = cv.Title;
cvInsert.FirstPublishLocationId = obj.Id;
cvInsert.VersionData = cv.VersionData;
insert cvInsert;
listToDelete.add(new ContentDocument(
Id = cv.ContentDocumentId
String nameWithoutExt = fileName;
cv.Title = 'ERROR_' + nameWithoutExt ;
update cv;
String nameWithoutExt = fileName;
cv.Title = 'ERROR_' + nameWithoutExt ;
update cv;
delete listToDelete;
HelperClass.firstRun = false;
}catch(Exception e){
Apex Test Class:-
public class ProjectRequestTestClass{
public static void test1(){
Project__c ap = new Project__c();
ap.Status__c = 'Submitted';
ap.Request_Type__c = 'Desk ';
ap.ProductCase__c = 'a0D0b2211moYEAY';
insert ap;
Product_records__c ob = new Product_records__c();
ob.Name = 'Test';
insert ob;
Case obj = new Case();
obj.Status = 'Awaiting';
obj.Effective_Date_Certification__c = System.today();
obj.ProductCase__c= ap.ProductCase__c;
obj.Type__c = 'Desk';
insert obj;
obj.Status = 'Awaiting';
update obj;
ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion(
Title = 'Penguins',
PathOnClient = 'Penguins.jpg',
VersionData = Blob.valueOf('Test Content'),
IsMajorVersion = true
insert contentVersion;
List<ContentDocument> documents = [SELECT Id, Title, LatestPublishedVersionId FROM ContentDocument];
//create ContentDocumentLink record
ContentDocumentLink cdl = New ContentDocumentLink();
cdl.LinkedEntityId = obj.id;
cdl.ContentDocumentId = documents[0].Id;
cdl.shareType = 'V';
insert cdl;
System.assertEquals('Desk', ap.Request_Type__c);
catch(Exception e){
Thanks in advance