I have a visualforce page, which can have a parameter caseId.
For example : https://myInstance/apex/myApp?caseId=500c000000DFyxW
The VF page creates a lightning component, but needs to pass case Id as parameter. Following is code for my page, and my server side controller -
Page -
<apex:page tabStyle="Case" controller="myController"
title="Some Title" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" wizard="false" cache="false"
applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" docType="html-5.0">
<apex:includeLightning />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<title>Some Title</title>
<div id="lightning"></div>
$Lightning.use("c:someApp", function() {
$Lightning.createComponent("c:someComponent",{{!lightningParameters}},"lightning",function(cmp) {
Code for my server side controller -
public class myController {
public String lightningParameters{
if(lightningParameters == null){
String unsanitizedCaseId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('caseId');
//String sanitizedCaseId = String.escapeSingleQuotes(unsanitizedCaseId);
String sanitizedCaseId = unsanitizedCaseId.escapeHtml4();
lightningParameters = '"caseId" : "'+ sanitizedCaseId + '"';
lightningParameters = '';
return lightningParameters;
private set;
It was an existing code with no sanitizing. Initial code just read the parameter, and constructed a string to be returned. From my understanding of the code, if the caseId parameter is present, it returns following string
"caseId" : "500c000000DFyxW"
and when there is no parameter, it returns empty string.
In my code, as you can see, i have tried two approaches to sanitize it - String sanitizedCaseId = String.escapeSingleQuotes(unsanitizedCaseId); String sanitizedCaseId = unsanitizedCaseId.escapeHtml4();
But no matter what, checkmarx gives the exact same report -
Method get{ at line 4 of src/classes/myController.cls gets a client-side controlled data for the getparameters element. This element’s value is used in client-side code without being properly sanitized or validated and is eventually integrated into the HTML code in $Lightning.createComponent at line 30 of src/pages/someVFPage.page.
I am not sure what i need to do to address the vulnerability. Just for kicks, i tried modifying the page, enclosing the lightningparameter inside JSENCODE, which does make vulnerability go away in checkmarx scan, but breaks the functionality of my app