I created a new field on the Account object called "Account Engagement" I was trying to do a rollup summary on the Contact object but I can't. Did some research on this and download the Tool Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries Tool. Just need help on how to set up it. I have it in my sandbox. The field I am looking up on the contact object is Mkto Lead Score. This will be the sum of the lead score. I have Account Engagement as a number field on Account. Mkto Lead Score is a Number field on contacts. So There will be a field on the Account called Account Engagement and it will look at the Lead Score across all contacts on that account and add them together.
Parent Object:Account
Child Object:Contact
Relationship Field:AccountId
Field to Aggregate:Mkto Lead Score
Aggregate Operation:Sum
Aggregate Result Field: Account_Engagement__c
Calculation Mode:Realtime
Calculation Sharing Mode:User
Field to Aggregate: Field does not exist.
Updated the Field to Aggregate:mkto_si__Mkto_Lead_Score__c
Error occured processing component dlrs__LookupRollupSummary2.Account Engagement. Custom Metadata Record Name: The Lookup Rollup Summary API Name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. (FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION). Fields DeveloperName.