I am trying to addError on the opportunities based on one condition. But getting System.FinalException: SObject row does not allow errors error while saving the record. Below I have given the code snippet. Please let me know how I can resolve the issue.
if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isBefore){
map<Id,Opportunity> newOpptyMap = (map<Id,Opportunity>)trigger.newMap;
The function is below where I am adding the error statement
public static void checkforStageDuration(Map<Id,Opportunity> oldMap, Map<Id,Opportunity> newMap){
Map<Id,Opportunity> recordsToCheck = new Map<Id,Opportunity>();
for(Id oppId : newMap.keyset()){
if(newMap.get(oppId).StageName != oldMap.get(oppId).StageName){
List<Opportunity_Stage_History__c> oppStageHistory = [select Id,Expected_Stage_Duration__c,Opportunity__c,Duration__c,Reason_For_Delay__c from Opportunity_Stage_History__c where Opportunity__c IN :recordsToCheck.keyset()];
for(Opportunity_Stage_History__c oppHistory : oppStageHistory){
if(oppHistory.Duration__c>oppHistory.Expected_Stage_Duration__c && oppHistory.Reason_For_Delay__c==null){
newMap.get(oppHistory.Opportunity__c).addError('The Opportunity has crossed it\'s Stage Duration, Please fill the Reason for Delay !!');