I need to alter this formula to include a text field (The text field displays a number)

IF((ISPICKVAL(Louvre_Calculator__c, "215mm Louvre Calculator")),
(Pivot_mm__c - 4)-(**2*60**), 
(Pivot_mm__c - 4)

I want to change the 2*60 with the output of field infill_profile_size__c. Infill_profile_size__c is a formula field that spits out either 40 or 60 but is displaying as a text field and is causing the IF statement to error.


2 Answers 2


Use VALUE(infill_profile_size__c) to convert TEXT to NUMBER

IF((ISPICKVAL(Louvre_Calculator__c, "215mm Louvre Calculator")),
(Pivot_mm__c - 4)-(2*VALUE(infill_profile_size__c)), 
(Pivot_mm__c - 4)

You can use the VALUE function to convert text to a number:

IF(ISPICKVAL(Louvre_Calculator__c, "215mm Louvre Calculator"),
  (Pivot_mm__c - 4)-(2*VALUE(infill_profile_size__c)), 
  (Pivot_mm__c - 4))

Coincidentally, you can make this formula a bit smaller:

(Pivot_mm__c - 4)-(2*
  IF(ISPICKVAL(Louvre_Calculator__c, "215mm Louvre Calculator"),
  VALUE(infill_profile_size__c), 0))

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