I have tried to put together a batch class to update parent Account records with credit scores.. I need to make 2 list variables public so I am able to access them in the finish global batch method, how would I do this? I get errors all lines in the finish method...
global class BatchCreditReportDelta implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
public static void runBatch() {
BatchCreditReportDelta batch = new BatchCreditReportDelta();
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
return Database.getQueryLocator(
[SELECT Id, Name, Wholesale_Last_Month_Negative__c, Wholesale_This_Month_Negative__c, Wholesale_Last_Month_Positive__c, Wholesale_This_Month_Positive__c, VoIP_Last_Month_Negative__c, VoIP_This_Month_Negative__c, VoIP_Last_Month_Positive__c, VoIP_This_Month_Positive__c, (SELECT Name, Credit__c FROM Voip_IDs__r), (SELECT Name, Credit__c FROM Wholesale__r) FROM Account WHERE Account_Branding__c != null ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List <Account> scope) {
// create 2 lists to split negative and positive scores
List <Account> popNegScores = new List <Account>();
List <Account> popPosScores = new List <Account>();
for (Account acc: scope) {
// populate voip values
for (VoIP_ID__c v : acc.VoIP_IDs__r) {
// if scores below zero, assign to neg list
if (v.Credit__c < 0) {
popNegScores.add(new Account(
// populate scores on account record
id = v.id,
VoIP_Last_Month_Negative__c = v.credit__c));
// what about values = 0?
else {
popPosScores.add(new Account(
// populate scores on account record
id = v.id,
VoIP_Last_Month_Positive__c = v.credit__c));
for (Wholesale__c w : acc.Wholesale__r) {
// for negative wholesale values, assign to account
if (w.Credit__c < 0) {
popNegScores.add(new Account(
id = w.id,
Wholesale_Last_Month_Negative__c = w.credit__c));
// for positive values, assign to account (what about values = 0?)
else {
popPosScores.add(new Account(
id = w.id,
Wholesale_Last_Month_Positive__c = w.credit__c));
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
// do updates in here
update popNegScores;
update popPosScores;
// print out lists
Thank you!