I have a project to upload some files for both licensed users and portal users. Got it working 98%... except for portal users.. mama mia...
I created a site off a domain, logged in a user and inserted a ContentVersion by API, and also an Attachment, both in JavaScript, and the ContentVersion appears in salesforce classic chatter, and the attachment in an account related list. However, ideally, I want to insert just Attachments, but when setting Parent Id in JavaScript, an exception is thrown using the API for portal users: Attachment: Bad Field names on insert/update call: ParentId.
I read recently that API calls are now restricted for attachments, and we cannot insert attachments for portal users, as witnessed by the exception. Is there some way I can let a portal user upload an attachment so a ParentId can be set? (In my case, set to an account record.) Need I try sending attachments as an email and make a trigger on emails received to insert an attachment?
Function UploadFile(parentId) is called from an onclick commandlink. variables {!sessionID} {!username} {!password} and {!parentAccountName} are set in prior pages. The !sessionID is a session ID generated by logging in on a prior page using SOAP, but when I get to here and try to insert, error says session invalid, so I've logged in on this page too, but using the API to get a session... If a local user is using my forms, no problems, meaning not required to login to API AND I can insert an attachment like I like instead of inserting a VersionContent.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="/soap/ajax/32.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
localUsersession = '{!$Api.Session_ID}', externalUsersession = '{!sessionID}';
var filesToUpload = [];
var uploadedFile = 0, __sfdcSessionId='', runninglog='';
if ( (localUsersession=='') || (localUsersession=='NULL_SESSION_ID')) {
sforce.connection.login('{!username}','{!password}'); // username and password come from the controller, set in the login page
else {
sforce.connection.sessionId = __sfdcSessionId;
function uploadFile(parentId)
// parentId='001o000000Pc7HtAAJ'; // for debugging
for(var i = 0, f; f = filesToUpload[i]; i++)
var reader = new FileReader();
// Keep a reference to the File in the FileReader so it can be accessed in callbacks
reader.file = f;
reader.onload = function(e)
/* this block is for attachment insertion
var att = new sforce.SObject("Attachment");
att.Name = this.file.name;
att.ContentType = this.file.type;
att.ParentId = parentId;
var binary = "", bytes = new Uint8Array(e.target.result);
var length = bytes.byteLength;
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++)
{ binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[j]); }
att.Body = (new sforce.Base64Binary(binary)).toString();
var fi = new sforce.SObject('FeedItem');
fa = new sforce.SObject('FeedAttachment');
cv = new sforce.SObject('ContentVersion');
fi.Title = this.file.name;
fi.Body = 'Document from '+'{!nickname}';
fi.ParentId = parentId;
cv.Title=this.file.name+' for: '+{!parentAccountName};
cv.VersionData = (new sforce.Base64Binary(binary)).toString();
cv.PathOnClient= this.file.name;
onSuccess : function(result, source)
if (result[0].getBoolean("success"))
fa.FeedEntityId = fi.Id;
fa.RecordId = cv.Id;
fa.Title='Document from {!nickname}';
var html = "Finished uploading "+att.Name;
if (filesToUpload.length>1)
html+='... Now uploading the next one...';
document.getElementById('statusid').innerHTML = html;
} // success
{ var html = "Failed to create attachment!<br/>"+result[0];
document.getElementById('statusid').innerHTML = html;
onFailure : function(error, source)
var html = "An Error has occurred<br/>"+error;
document.getElementById('statusid').innerHTML = html;
}); // sforce.create feeditem
} // externalUsersession
{ etc... repeat the onsuccess and onfailure blocks
} // onload
} // for loop
} // function uploadfiles