I have a method that searches for records based on a picklist value on the user record. We set the picklsit value and the query does a simple search based on the name.
user = [
SELECT Department, BudgetToolRole__c, User_BU__c, User_Region__c, User_Sector__c
FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()
Practice__c p = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Practice__c WHERE Name = :user.User_BU__c];
Now, I have the requirement that the picklist field should really be a multi-select picklist and that there should be multiple practice records returned. So based on the above I want to get the values of the multi-select and then run the query on them.
String strPA = [SELECT Budget_Cross_Practice__c FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1][0].Budget_Cross_Practice__c;
List<Practice__c> pas = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Practice__c WHERE Name = :strPA];
This complies in anonymous apex but no results are returned. The string returns a value in debug statement value1;values2;value3
I tried changing the = to IN but I get no luck.
How can I perform a query based on values in a multi-select?
field cannot possibly be a multi-select picklist?