I have a junction object TargetxOpp
which is a detail record, in Master-Detail Relationships with Opportunities
& Targets
I am retrieving the TargetxOpp
records via an SOQL query, looping through a list of the parent Opportunities & adding the TargetxOpp
to different lists.
for(Opportunity o : [SELECT Id, RecordTypeId,
(SELECT Id, Target__r.Date_Type__c
FROM TargetxOpp__r)
FROM Opportunity
WHERE (Id IN :reassignedOpps OR Id IN :oppsWNewCD OR Id IN :oppsWNewVerticals)])
> if (o.TargetxOpp__r.Target__r.Date_Type__c == 'Created Date' &&
} else {
When I try to evaluate the retrived TargetxOpp
records on this line (I've added a > pointing to the line in the above code) -
if (o.TargetxOpp__r.Target__r.Date_Type__c == 'Created Date' &&
Note - that object does not have an 's' as it's plural label or the child relationship name for the lookup to the Opportunity.
I hit an error -
Invalid foreign key relationship: Opportunity.TargetxOpp__r
& I assume that, that's because the query is retrieving a list of TargetxOpp
records, rather than a single record.
I know that I could add those records to a list & then work through them but I'd rather not use a 2nd for loop to do so & I'm hoping that I can assess the TargetxOpp
child records within the above query's for loop instead. Is this possible or is the for loop not cycling through the retrieved child records too?