Been tearing my hair out for two days on this one, so hopefully somebody can help.
I'm using jQuery DataTables to build a formatted table of Case data. When a user clicks on a case number, I need to fire an application event that a separate tab manager component will handle, causing it to open a new tab.
The problem I'm seeing is that when I use $A.get to get the application event in the click handler itself, it's always undefined. If I use $A.get to get the event one level up and refer to that in the click handler, I can only fire the event once, and then get an error if I try to fire it a second time (for example, user clicks on another link).
I found somebody with a related issue at: Lightning Application: $A.get(event) returning undefined when called from a jQuery callback
That post is what gave me the idea to try method #2, but since I can only fire that once, I still need to find a solution. In case anybody mentions application vs component events...there are several components in this app that listen to a variety of events, so to make development easier and just concentrate on functionality, I went with using all application events so I don't have to worry about bubbling.
I would REALLY appreciate any help on this. I thought $A.get could be used "anywhere" to get Aura information, but does where it's used affect it's scope or something?
Here's some sample code showing both methods I'm trying:
<aura:application >
<ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.SLDS213 + '/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-ltng.min.css'}"/>
<div class="scopedcompanyname-slds">
<c:test_CaseLink />
<ltng:require scripts="{!join(',',
$Resource.datatables11012_with_images + '/js/datatables.min.js',
$Resource.datatables11012_with_images + '/js/fixedheader.datatables.min.js')}"
$Resource.datatables11012_with_images + '/css/datatables.min.css',
$Resource.datatables11012_with_images + '/css/fixedheader.datatables.min.css')}"
<!-- Custom event registrations -->
<aura:registerEvent name="tabEvent" type="c:caseMgt_Event_Tab"/>
<table id="relatedCasesTable" class="display cell-border"/>
scriptsLoaded : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.formatTable(component, helper);
formatTable: function(component, helper) {
var cases = [{"Id" : "500i000000iCuzI",
"CaseNumber" : "00007640",
"Subject" : "Subject for 7640"
{"Id" : "500i000000iCv1Y",
"CaseNumber" : "00007641",
"Subject" : "Subject for 7641"
{"Id" : "500i000000iCv1d",
"CaseNumber" : "00007642",
"Subject" : "Subject for 7642"
data : cases,
dom : "<fip<t>>",
order : [[0, "asc"]],
columns : [
{data : 'CaseNumber',
title : 'Case Number',
render : function(data, type, row, meta) {
if (type == 'display') {
return '<a id="caseLink" data-caseId="' + row.Id + '">' + data + '</a>';
else if (type == 'filter') {
return data;
else {
return data;
createdCell : function createdCellCallback(cell, cellData, rowData, rowIndex, colIndex) {
jQuery('#caseLink', cell).each(function eachCaseLinkCallback() {
var outerTabEvent = $A.get('e.c:caseMgt_Event_Tab');
console.log('DEBUG: (eachCaseLinkCallback) outerTabEvent = ' + outerTabEvent);
this.addEventListener('click', function caseLinkClicked(event){
// Run using either METHOD 1 or 2 below (make sure one is commented):
// METHOD 1 - is always undefined
var tabEvent = $A.get('e.c:caseMgt_Event_Tab');
// METHOD 2 - can only fire once
//var tabEvent = outerTabEvent;
var caseId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-caseId');
console.log('DEBUG: (caseLinkClicked) tabEvent = ' + tabEvent);
console.log('DEBUG: (caseLinkClicked) caseId = ' + caseId);
tabEvent.setParams({"tabset" : "main",
"objectId" : caseId,
"eventType" : "addTab",
"addTabActivateAfterwards" : false});;
{data : 'Subject',
title : 'Subject'
<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Tab event">
<aura:attribute name="tabset" type="String" default=""/>
<aura:attribute name="objectId" type="Id" default=""/>
<aura:attribute name="eventType" type="String" default=""/>
<aura:attribute name="addTabActivateAfterwards" type="Boolean" default="false"/>
var outerTabEvent = $A.get('e.c:caseMgt_Event_Tab');
line is above thejQuery('#relatedCasesTable').DataTable({..})