i'm also in the same situation but i would have some confirmation.
We have set up SSO for internal users (SAML 2.0) with Trustelem Cloud SSO and it's work great. In the configuration, the Issuer is a Trustelem url and EntityId is https://saml.salesforce.com
Now we want to use this SSO between our intranet and Salesforce.
Users on the intranet are also logged thanks to the SSO.
In the intranet, we want to use Chatter API in order to query for exemple, last posts on groups.
So i need to configure a connected app and enable SAML on it ?
I'm a little confused about what i need to fill.
- Entity Id : the same url configured on the SSO ? https://saml.salesforce.com ?
- ACS URL : ?? Does i need to ask something to Trustelem ?
- Subject Name : We use FederationId from the SSO, i supposed i need to use the same ?
- Name ID Format ??
- IDP Certificat : same certificate used on my SSO (field Request Signing Certificate) ?
- Issuer : the Trustelem URL from my SSO configuration ?
So when all this will be set up, the intranet will log on salesforce using FederationId and the token of the intranet connection ? This will call Trustelem and Salesforce will give back a token to call the Chatter API ?
Thank's in advance.