I am not a developer by trade; however, I've inherited some code from a consultant that was contracted several years ago.
We recently noticed that one of the test classes is now failing, with an error message of "System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101". This is not doubt due to changes made to our configuration (on the declarative side).
After reading up on best practices, I've noticed several things:
- There are no SELECT statements inside for loops (as far as I can tell)
- Most of the SOQL queries are being conducted by a single "before insert, before update" trigger (two queries at a time, over and over)
Given that I have little to no developer experience, what would be the best approach?
The test class is testing several things. Should I first look into splitting up the test scenarios into multiple tests to avoid the hitting the SOQL limit? Or, should I look into streamlining the trigger? Or, should I look into the workflow rules? (There appears to be a series of Apex Trigger, Validation Rule, and Workflow Rule that occurs several times.)
Any suggestions would be welcome!
Here is the code for the trigger:
trigger CustomObject_beforeInsertbeforeUpdate on CustomObject__c(before insert, before update) {
List < Id > AssetIds = new List < Id > ();
List < Id > OppIds = new List < Id > ();
for (CustomObject__c l: Trigger.new) {
MAP < Id, Asset > AssetMAP = new MAP < Id, Asset > ([SELECT ID, AccountId, Contract__c, ContactId FROM Asset WHERE ID IN: AssetIds]);
MAP < Id, Opportunity > OppMAP = new MAP < Id, Opportunity > ([SELECT ID, AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE ID IN: OppIds]);
system.debug('UDBG::: AssetMAP: ' + AssetMAP);
system.debug('UDBG::: OppMAP: ' + OppMAP);
for (CustomObject__c l: Trigger.new) {
if (l.RecordTypeName__c == 'Trial') {
if (l.TrialExpiryDate__c == null) {
l.TrialExpiryDate__c = date.today() + (Integer) l.TrialDays__c;
if (OppMAP.containsKey(l.Opportunity__c)) {
l.Account__c = OppMAP.get(l.Opportunity__c).AccountId;
} else if (l.RecordTypeName__c == 'Perpetual') {
if (AssetMAP.containsKey(l.Asset__c)) {
l.Account__c = AssetMAP.get(l.Asset__c).AccountId;
l.Contract__c = AssetMAP.get(l.Asset__c).Contract__c;