I have a custom object and we have a lot of records of same name under it, how do i make a list with no duplicate values in list
You wish to store only those records in the list which have unique name(eliminating all records with same name) right?– AbhijeetCommented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:22
@Pankaj Can u please elaborate with some example so that it will easy to understand your query. Lot of records with same name under it means --> Are you referring to a particular Field with column as "Name", also the List u referring is to a List view? Can u confirm?– Robert ThomasCommented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:26
@Abhijeet yes -- it's a proper record and that's a list not that list view– Pankaj KumarCommented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:40
3 Answers
Using the following SOQL:
Select Name, count(Id) From Your_Obj__c group by Name Having count(Id) = 1
You can iterate over the list of records(which contains duplicates) and then use a map to store records with key value pair as
Then use the values() method on the map to get records in a list which are all unique.Below is the approach that you can use:
for(Custom_Object__c objCustom:lstDuplicateItems){
mapNameRecords.put(objCustom.name,objcustom);//if duplicate record comes from the list, the previous duplicate record stored in the map will be overridden.
List<Custom_Object__c> lstUniqueRecords = mapNameRecords.values();
// lstUniqueRecords now contains unique records
This should work for you :)
If you execute below code in developer console, you can remove duplicare records, assuming you have less than 50000 records. If you have more records then, you need to write a batch class.
List<CustomObject__c> duplicateRecordList = new List<CustomObject__c>();
Set<String> stNames = new Set<String>();
for(CustomObject__c objRecord : [Select Id, Name From CustomObject__c limit 50000])
delete duplicateRecordList;
Once you remove all duplicates, you can think of setting a Duplicate Management Rule for that Custom Object to avoid duplicates in future.
You can also think of creating a Trigger to avoid duplicate records in future.