I have a custom object and we have a lot of records of same name under it, how do i make a list with no duplicate values in list

  • You wish to store only those records in the list which have unique name(eliminating all records with same name) right?
    – Abhijeet
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:22
  • @Pankaj Can u please elaborate with some example so that it will easy to understand your query. Lot of records with same name under it means --> Are you referring to a particular Field with column as "Name", also the List u referring is to a List view? Can u confirm? Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:26
  • @Abhijeet yes -- it's a proper record and that's a list not that list view Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 6:40

3 Answers 3


Using the following SOQL:

Select Name, count(Id) From Your_Obj__c group by Name Having count(Id) = 1

You can iterate over the list of records(which contains duplicates) and then use a map to store records with key value pair as


Then use the values() method on the map to get records in a list which are all unique.Below is the approach that you can use:

    for(Custom_Object__c objCustom:lstDuplicateItems){

    mapNameRecords.put(objCustom.name,objcustom);//if duplicate record comes from the list, the previous duplicate record stored in the map will be overridden.


List<Custom_Object__c> lstUniqueRecords = mapNameRecords.values();

// lstUniqueRecords now contains unique records

This should work for you :)


If you execute below code in developer console, you can remove duplicare records, assuming you have less than 50000 records. If you have more records then, you need to write a batch class.

List<CustomObject__c> duplicateRecordList = new List<CustomObject__c>();
Set<String> stNames = new Set<String>();

for(CustomObject__c objRecord : [Select Id, Name From CustomObject__c limit 50000])

delete duplicateRecordList;

Once you remove all duplicates, you can think of setting a Duplicate Management Rule for that Custom Object to avoid duplicates in future.

You can also think of creating a Trigger to avoid duplicate records in future.

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