I have a custom object invoice in which i have three custom fields Work_Start_Time__c, Estimate_Time_To_Complete__c, and Target_Date_Time__c. We have 9 hours working hours in a day from 9 am to 7 pm.

If a user enters today's date in Work_Start_Time__c and time is 3 pm and in Estimate_Time_To_Complete__c the user puts 8 hours, then in Target_Date_Time__c the value should be 12:00 Pm of next days not the 10:00 pm of the same day in my case its shows 10:00Pm of same days in Target_Date_Time__c custom field.

Here is my trigger

trigger DailyWorkTrackersTrigger on Invoice__c (before insert, before update) {
     for(Invoice__c workObj: Trigger.new) {
         workObj.Target_Date_Time__c = workObj.Work_Start_Time__c.addMinutes(Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(workObj.Estimate_Time_To_Complete_Hrs__c * 1000 * 60 * 60)));
  • 1
    If your day goes 9 to 7 then it's 10 hours, not 9.
    – Adrian Larson
    Aug 16, 2016 at 11:52

1 Answer 1


You have outlined a textbook use case for BusinessHours. Set your default hours up to be 9 to 7. Then, you can just use the BusinessHours.add method.

You should also look up trigger best practices and move your logic to an Apex Class. Your code could look something like:

public with sharing class InvoiceService
    static BusinessHours defaultHours
            if (defaultHours == null)
                defaultHours = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault = true];
            return defaultHours;
        private set;
    public static void setTargetDateTime(List<Invoice__c> invoices)
        for (Invoice__c invoice : invoices) setTargetDateTime(invoice);
    static void setTargetDateTime(Invoice__c invoice)
        Datetime start = invoice.Work_Start_Time__c;
        Long intervalHours = invoice.Estimate_Time_To_Complete_Hrs__c;
        if (start != null && intervalHours != null)
            Long intervalMs = intervalHours * 60 * 60 * 1000;
            invoice.Target_Date_Time__c = BusinessHours.add(
                defaultHours.Id, start, intervalMs
  • Hi Adrian thanks for your suggestion Its perfect and workin for me
    – Bonny
    Aug 16, 2016 at 13:15

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