I want to pass salesforce security review in my app. I want to make sure that all the known issues fixed before submission. I have Enforced CRUD and FLS in to all the apex classes. But i am not sure about the following points:
1) Is it necessary to Enforce CRUD and FLS on VF page using the AJAX Toolkit:
sforce.connection.query("Select Id, Name From Account",callback);
2) Is it necessary to Enforce CRUD and FLS in trigger handler classes:
trigger VAccountTrigger on Account(before update) {
VAccountTriggerHandler vHandler = new VAccountTriggerHandler();
if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isBefore){
public class VAccountTriggerHandler {
public void beforeUpdate(List<Account> newList) {
//----Do we need to Enforce CRUD and FLS here too---