I'm very new to Salesforce so I may need lots of help. When converting a Lead to an Opportunity I am getting this error:
Error: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, A workflow or approval field update caused an error when saving this record. Contact your administrator to resolve it. Close Date: value not of required type: common.formula.FormulaEvaluationException: Month or Day out of range in DATE() function: [] Class.leadconvert.BulkLeadConvert.handleOpportunityInserts: line 737, column 1 Class.leadconvert.BulkLeadConvert.convertLead: line 104, column 1
which I believe is just saying that the close date on the opportunity is incorrect so the opportunity cannot be saved. The main problem I'm having is that I can't figure out where the close date is being set during the conversion. Where is this being set?